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Doug Phillips

Doug  Phillips
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    Doug is a true native to Montrose, Colorado and has been a full time Real Estate Broker for over 20 years. He is very committed to the real estate community. He has served as the President of the Montrose Association of Realtors for the last two years. He has also earned the role of the Western Colorado Regional Vice President with the Colorado Association of Realtors.

    Beyond the world of real estate, Doug has great passion for community service. For seven years, he chaired the Suicide Prevention Task Force Coalition. He is very dedicated to making a positive impact on individual lives. He has also supported several charities and non-profit organizations at the local level.

    Doug’s expertise spans various aspects of real estate, including residential, farm and ranch, vacant land, commercial and recreational properties. His understanding of the industry positions him as a go-to resource for clients needing guidance in diverse real estate ventures.

    Outside of work, Doug loves the great Western Colorado outdoors. He enjoys working out and staying active including, hunting, camping, and taking road trips on his Harley Davidson. He also enjoys bartending at local restaurants, benefits and activities in addition to celebrations/weddings for family and friends.

    Family is very important to Doug. Living in the same town as his son, daughter in law and two amazing grandsons. He enjoys being a part of his grandson’s lives, and being involved in their many activities. He and his wife, Jane, live on their 10 acre home south of town where they enjoy working, (and losing money) farming and enjoying their horses!!

    Doug Phillips is not just an experienced real estate professional, but also a community leader, family man, and outdoor enthusiast, making him a well-rounded individual whose passion extends beyond the real estate market.

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